Don’t feel ready to mom yet?

Let me help! Get prepared & become more confident to take on Mamahood.

I want you to soak in all that excitement! There is far more to look forward to than to be anxious about! From prepping for the baby’s arrival to the first year home, I’ll be sharing everything I wish I knew before having my kiddos!

Are you ready for this baby?

Maternal Guru Knowledge

Hi! I’m Steph! I work in the hospital as a Postpartum Nurse. The usual length of stay after a vaginal delivery is 24-48 hours, and 72hrs for cesarean sections. I do my best to share my knowledge with patients within the short time we have together, but there being so much to teach, I wanted to create this space where the information is always accessible.

My intention in sharing my story and my experiences is that you may feel more at ease, more prepared, and more empowered to face the unknowns of parenthood. Every parent goes through being a first-time parent. Everyone’s experience is very different. However, I feel confident I can help you make the best of this experience and teach you how to navigate the worst so they become the not so bads.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
— Reinhold Niebuhr

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